Why do I need to participate?

The CIWM (WAMITAB) Operator Competence Scheme Version 9 [Final] was approved by Defra and the Welsh Assembly Government for England and Wales on December 22nd 2008. Participation in the scheme by gaining primary competence provides evidence of the technical knowledge needed on a waste site. This evidence can be required by employers based in the waste industry and the environmental regulators.

How do I join the scheme?

CIWM (WAMITAB) will help operators to understand the qualifications, units and/or training programme(s) which may be required to meet the technically competent person requirements for their waste sites – this process starts by selecting the relevant risk tier table from the list below.

Risk tier tables for:


To use the risk tier table simply look up the level of risk and description of the waste facility you work at, before looking across to see which qualification you require – you can find out more about the qualification by clicking on the relevant qualification.

Please note: the risk tier table is primarily intended for new permit applications or to determine additional competence arrangements for existing permitted facilities. It is applicable to facilities in England and Wales operating in accordance with the Environmental Permitting Regulations. Operators are advised to check with their Environmental Regulator for confirmation that they will accept the qualification before registering with a centre.

If an operator undertakes a qualification covering more than one activity and chooses to cover additional activities at a later date – for example, completed:

  • MROC2 for end-of-life vehicles and are planning to cover a WEEE-ATF site.
  • HROC1 for hazardous landfill and are planning to cover non-hazardous landfill, inert landfill, closed hazardous landfill, closed non-hazardous landfill, or closed inert landfill.
  • HROC2 for non-hazardous landfill and are planning to cover inert landfill, closed hazardous landfill, closed non-hazardous landfill, or closed inert landfill.
  • HROC6 hazardous waste treatment and are planning to cover MROC1 non-hazardous transfer.
  • HROC6 hazardous waste treatment and are planning to cover MROC2 end of life vehicles or WEEE ATF.
  • HROC4 hazardous transfer and are planning to cover MROC12 non-hazardous transfer.

The operator will need to maintain the appropriate Continuing Competence test for the original award and complete the appropriate Continuing Competence test for the new activity when their existing Continuing Competence becomes due.

Please be aware that following publication of the Continuing Competence syllabi effective from 1st April 2023, the previous Continuing Competence test for Clinical Waste (CW) is now titled Healthcare Waste (HW).

RiskDescription of Waste Facility CoveredStandard Rules PermitContinuing CompetenceQualification/ Certificate
(one of the following options)
HighHazardous waste landfill (open) including single streamLHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Hazardous Open Landfill (601/8500/4)

Pathway 1 - Hazardous Waste: HROC1a

Pathway 2 - Hazardous Waste Single Stream: HROC1b
HighNon-hazardous waste landfill (Open) including single streamLNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Non-Hazardous Open Landfill (601/8501/6)

Pathway 1 - Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill: HROC2a

Pathway 2 - Non-Hazardous Waste Single Stream Landfill: HROC2b
HighClosed landfillLCCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Closed Landfill (601/8499/1) (HROC3)
HighHazardous waste transfer (not covered in lower risk tiers)SR2008No9TSHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Transfer of Hazardous Waste (601/8504/1)

Optional Unit Required: OCS22 - Hazardous Waste, HROC4a
HighNon-hazardous transfer of household, commercial and industrial wastes with WEEE manual sorting with removal of plugs, batteries and cables (For sites STORING asbestos) SR2022No5TSHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Transfer of Hazardous Waste (601/8504/1)

Optional Unit Required: OCS22 - Hazardous Waste, HROC4a
HighHazardous clinical waste transferSR2008No24HWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Transfer of Hazardous Waste (601/8504/1)

Optional Unit Required: OCS23 - Hazardous Clinical Waste, HROC4b
HighHazardous clinical waste treatmentSR2008No25, SR2013No1HWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Thermal Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8503/X)

Pathway 2 - Hazardous Clinical Waste: HROC5b
HighRecovery of oil / organic solventsTMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Thermal Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8503/X)

Pathway 1 - Hazardous Waste: HROC5a
HighRecovery of hazardous wasteTMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Physical and Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8502/8) (HROC6)
HighRecovery of oil / organic solventsTMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Physical and Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8502/8) (HROC6)
HighHazardous waste disposal (not incineration or landfill)TMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Physical and Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8502/8) (HROC6)
HighNon-hazardous transfer and treatment of household, commercial and industrial wastes with WEEE manual sorting with removal of plugs, batteries and cables (For sites STORING asbestos)SR2022No4HROC4 and MROC1 =
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)


CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Transfer of Hazardous Waste (601/8504/1)

HROC4a (full qualification and optional unit required: OCS22 - Hazardous Waste)

For more information, please refer to the additional guidance for asbestos storage in the MROC1 purpose statement
HighHazardous waste treatment (not covered in lower risk tiers)TMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Physical and Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8502/8) (HROC6)
MediumNon-hazardous transfer with treatment (not otherwise specified)SR2012No13, SR2021No13, SR2021No14TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumTreatment of land for reclamation, restoration or improvement of landSR2010No9, SR2010No10TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)
MediumMobile plant for treatment of land for land reclamation, restoration or improvementSR2010No5 LSNHWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)
MediumUse of waste to manufacture timber or construction productsSR2010No13, SR2015No24TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumTreatment of waste wood for recoverySR2022No8TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumMaterial Recovery Facilities (MRFs)SR2022No7,
TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumMetal recovery site (MRS) (wet scrap e.g. oily metal swarf – free flowing liquid)SR2008No21, SR2008No22, SR2015No14, SR2009No7, SR2011No2, SR2015No16 MRSCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ413)
MediumOther mobile treatment facilities (non-hazardous)TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)
MediumUse of waste in a deposit for recovery operation (construction, reclamation, restoration or improvement of land other than by mobile plant)SR2015No39 TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumNon-hazardous transfer and treatment of household, commercial and industrial wastes with WEEE manual sorting with removal of plugs, batteries and cables (For sites that are NOT storing asbestos) SR2022No4MROC1 and MROC17 =
VRQ406 and VRQ414 = TMNH and TSH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)


CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Storage and Transfer of Hazardous Waste (601/8538/7) (MROC17)


CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)


CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ414)
MediumEnd of life vehicle facilities (vehicle storage, depollution and dismantling) SR2008No20, SR2015No13, SR2011No3, 
SR2015No17, SR2012No14, SR2015No18, SR2021No12

Please note: SR2012No14 and SR2015No18 requires ELV and MRS
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Physical Treatment (601/8531/4) (MROC2)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ412)
MediumWEEE ATF – physical treatment SR2008No23, SR2015No3, SR2015No15WEEE

Please note: SR2015No3 requires WEEE and MRS
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Physical Treatment (601/8531/4) (MROC2)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ416)
MediumRecovery of refrigerantsTMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Physical Treatment (601/8531/4) (MROC2)
MediumTreatment of asphalt waste containing coal tarTMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Physical Treatment (601/8531/4) (MROC2)
MediumComposting in open windrows / Composting biodegradable wastesSR2021No1, SR2021No2,
ACCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Open Windrow Composting (601/8530/2) (MROC3)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumComposting in closed vessels / Composting biodegradable wastesSR2008No17, SR2010No14, SR2011No1, SR2021No3, SR2021No4, SR2021No5  ACCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Closed Vessel Composting (601/8517/X) (MROC4)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumAnaerobic digestion facility including use of the resultant biogas SR2012No11,
SR2021No6, SR2021No7, SR2021No10
ADCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Anaerobic Digestion (601/8515/6) (MROC5)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumOn farm anaerobic digestion facilities including the use of the resultant biogas SR2021No8, SR2021No9ADCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Anaerobic Digestion (601/8515/6) (MROC5)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumStorage of wastes to be used in land treatmentSR2010No17TSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Storage of Non-Hazardous Wastes (603/1338/9) (MROC6b)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumOpen inert landfillLINCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Open Inert Landfill (601/8529/6) (MROC7)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumOpen inert landfill single waste streamLINCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Single Waste Stream Open Inert Landfill (601/8532/6) (MROC8)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumClosed inert landfillLCCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Closed Inert Landfill (601/8516/8) (MROC9)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumMobile plant for land spreading (land treatment resulting in benefit) (OCS20)SR2010No4LSNHWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Sludge and Land Spreading (601/8526/0)

Optional Unit Required: OCS20 - Non-Hazardous Waste, MROC10a

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ415)
MediumMobile plant for land spreading of sewage sludge (land treatment resulting in benefit) (OCS60)SR2010No6LSNHWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Sludge and Land Spreading (601/8526/0)

Optional Unit Required: OCS60 - Biological Waste, MROC10b

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ415)
MediumNon-hazardous sludge – biological, chemical and physical treatment (OCS60)TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Sludge and Land Spreading (601/8526/0)

Optional Unit Required: OCS60 - Biological Waste, MROC10b

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumDeposit in lagoons of non-hazardous dredging from waterwaysTMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Dredgings Management (601/8521/1) (MROC11)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumStorage and treatment of dredging for recovery SR2010No18TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Dredgings Management (601/8521/1) (MROC11)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumNon-hazardous transfer without treatmentTSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Waste Transfer (601/8527/2) (MROC12)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumContaminated land remediation SR2008No27CLRCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Contaminated Land Remediation (601/08518/1) (MROC13)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ409)
MediumCivic amenity (CA) sites / Household waste recycling centres (HWRC)Hazardous and Non-hazardous:

Hazardous and Non-hazardous:

*depending on site activities
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Household Waste Recycling Centres (601/8522/3)

Optional Unit Required: OCS40 - Hazardous and Non-hazardous, MROC14a

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)


CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ414)

(VRQ406 can be used for HWRCs handling Hazardous and Non-hazardous or Non-hazardous only)
MediumNon-hazardous clinical waste treatmentHWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Clinical Waste Treatment (601/8525/9) (MROC15)
MediumNon-hazardous clinical waste transferHWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Clinical Waste Transfer (601/8524/7) (MROC16)
MediumNon-hazardous transfer of household, commercial and industrial wastes with WEEE manual sorting with removal of plugs, batteries and cables (NOT storing asbestos) SR2022No5TSHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Storage and Transfer of Hazardous Waste (601/8538/7) (MROC17)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ414)
MediumStorage of electrical insulating oil / Storage of catalytic convertersSR2012No15TSHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Storage and Transfer of Hazardous Waste (601/8538/7) (MROC17)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ414)
MediumMechanical biological treatment (MBT)TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Mechanical Biological Treatment (601/8523/5) (MROC18)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ411)
LowWaste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) storageWEEECIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste transfer and storage (601/08514/4) (LROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ416)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowMetal recovery site (MRS) dry scrap (including separately collected batteries – no free flowing liquid)SR2021No11MRSCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste transfer and storage (601/08514/4) (LROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ413)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowIn-house storage of non-hazardous wasteTSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste transfer and storage (601/08514/4) (LROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowMobile plant for non-hazardous treatment of waste to produce soil, soils substitutes and aggregates SR2022No2TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Treatment to Produce Soil (601/8513/2) (LROC2)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowNon-hazardous treatment of waste to produce soil, soils substitutes and aggregates SR2022No1TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Treatment to Produce Soil (601/8513/2) (LROC2)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowNon-hazardous transfer of construction, demolition and excavation wastesSR2022No3TSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Inert Storage and Transfer (601/8510/7) (LROC3)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowInert transferTSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Inert Storage and Transfer (601/8510/7) (LROC3)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowIn-house storage of inert wasteTSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Inert Storage and Transfer (601/8510/7) (LROC3)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowInert physical treatmentTMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Inert Physical Treatment (601/8508/9) (LROC4)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowUse of waste in constructionSR2010No7, SR2010No8TSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Construction Waste (601/8507/7) (LROC5)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)


To use the risk tier table simply look up the level of risk and description of the waste facility you work at, before looking across to see which qualification you require – you can find out more about the qualification by clicking on the relevant qualification.

Please note: the risk tier table is primarily intended for new permit applications or to determine additional competence arrangements for existing permitted facilities. It is applicable to facilities in England and Wales operating in accordance with the Environmental Permitting Regulations. Operators are advised to check with their Environmental Regulator for confirmation that they will accept the qualification before registering with a centre.

If an operator undertakes a qualification covering more than one activity and chooses to cover additional activities at a later date – for example, completed:

  • MROC2 for end-of-life vehicles and are planning to cover a WEEE-ATF site.
  • HROC1 for hazardous landfill and are planning to cover non-hazardous landfill, inert landfill, closed hazardous landfill, closed non-hazardous landfill, or closed inert landfill.
  • HROC2 for non-hazardous landfill and are planning to cover inert landfill, closed hazardous landfill, closed non-hazardous landfill, or closed inert landfill.
  • HROC6 hazardous waste treatment and are planning to cover MROC1 non-hazardous transfer.
  • HROC6 hazardous waste treatment and are planning to cover MROC2 end of life vehicles or WEEE ATF.
  • HROC4 hazardous transfer and are planning to cover MROC12 non-hazardous transfer.

The operator will need to maintain the appropriate Continuing Competence test for the original award and complete the appropriate Continuing Competence test for the new activity when their existing Continuing Competence becomes due.

Please be aware that following publication of the Continuing Competence syllabi effective from 1st April 2023, the previous Continuing Competence test for Clinical Waste (CW) is now titled Healthcare Waste (HW).

RiskDescription of Waste Facility CoveredStandard Rules PermitContinuing CompetenceQualification/ Certificate
HighHazardous waste landfill (open) including single streamLHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Hazardous Open Landfill (601/8500/4)

Pathway 1 - Hazardous Waste: HROC1a

Pathway 2 - Hazardous Waste Single Stream: HROC1b
HighNon-hazardous waste landfill (Open) including single streamLNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Non-Hazardous Open Landfill (601/8501/6)

Pathway 1 - Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill: HROC2a

Pathway 2 - Non-Hazardous Waste Single Stream Landfill: HROC2b
HighClosed landfillLCCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Closed Landfill (601/8499/1) (HROC3)
HighHazardous waste transfer (not covered in lower risk tiers)SR2008No5, SR2008No6, SR2008No9, SR2015No8, SR2015No9TSHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Transfer of Hazardous Waste (601/8504/1)

Optional Unit OCS22 - Hazardous Waste: HROC4a
HighHazardous clinical waste transferSR2008No24HWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Transfer of Hazardous Waste (601/8504/1)

Optional Unit OCS23 - Hazardous Clinical Waste: HROC4b
HighHazardous clinical waste treatmentSR2008No25, SR2013No1HWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Thermal Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8503/X)

Pathway 2 - Hazardous Clinical Waste: HROC5b
HighRecovery of oil/organic solventsTMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Thermal Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8503/X)

Pathway 1 - Hazardous Waste: HROC5a
HighRecovery of hazardous wasteTMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Physical and Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8502/8) (HROC6)
HighRecovery of oil/organic solventsTMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Physical and Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8502/8) (HROC6)
HighHazardous waste disposal (not incineration or landfill)TMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Physical and Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8502/8) (HROC6)
HighHazardous waste treatment (not covered in lower risk tiers)SR2008No7, SR2008No8, SR2015No10, SR2015No11TMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Physical and Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste (601/8502/8) (HROC6)
MediumNon-hazardous transfer with treatment (not otherwise specified)SR2008No3, SR2008No4, SR2015No6, SR2015No7, SR2008No14, SR2008No15, SR2015No21, SR2015No22, SR2012No13TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumTreatment of land for reclamation, restoration or improvement of landSR2010No9, SR2010No10TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)
MediumMobile plant for treatment of land for land reclamation, restoration or improvementSR2010No5 LSNHWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)
MediumUse of waste to manufacture timber or construction productsSR2010No13, SR2015No24TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumTreatment of waste wood for recoverySR2011No4, SR2015No23 TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumMaterial recovery facilitiesSR2008No14, SR2008No15, SR2015No21, SR2015No22TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumMetal recovery site (MRS) (wet scrap e.g. oily metal swarf – free flowing liquid)SR2008No21, SR2008No22, SR2015No14, SR2009No7, SR2011No2, SR2015No16 MRSCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ413)
MediumOther mobile treatment facilities (non-hazardous)TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)
MediumUse of waste in a deposit for recovery operation (construction, reclamation, restoration or improvement of land other than by mobile plant)SR2015No39,
TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste treatment and transfer (601/8528/4) (MROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumEnd of life vehicle facilities (vehicle storage, depollution and dismantling) SR2008No20, SR2015No13, SR2011No3, 
SR2015No17, SR2012No14, SR2015No18
ELVCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Physical Treatment (601/8531/4) (MROC2)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ412)
MediumWEEE ATF – physical treatment SR2008No23, SR2015No3, SR2015No15,
WEEECIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Physical Treatment (601/8531/4) (MROC2)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ416)
MediumTreatment of asphalt waste containing coal tarTMHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Physical Treatment (601/8531/4) (MROC2)
MediumComposting in open windrows / Composting biodegradable wastesSR2008No16, SR2010No14, SR2011No1, SR2012No7, SR2012No8 ACCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Open Windrow Composting (601/8530/2) (MROC3)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumComposting in closed vessels / Composting biodegradable wastesSR2008No17, SR2010No14, SR2011No1, SR2012No3, SR2012No4  ACCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Closed Vessel Composting (601/8517/X) (MROC4)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumAnaerobic digestion facility including use of the resultant biogas SR2010No15, SR2012No11, SR2012No12ADCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Anaerobic Digestion (601/8515/6) (MROC5)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumOn farm anaerobic digestion facilities including the use of the resultant biogas SR2010No16, SR2012No9, SR2012No10 ADCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Anaerobic Digestion (601/8515/6) (MROC5)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumStorage of wastes to be used in land treatmentSR2010No17TSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Storage of Non-Hazardous Wastes (603/1338/9) (MROC6b)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumOpen inert landfillLINCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Open Inert Landfill (601/8529/6) (MROC7)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumOpen inert landfill single waste streamLINCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Single Waste Stream Open Inert Landfill (601/8532/6) (MROC8)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumClosed inert landfillLCCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Closed Inert Landfill (601/8516/8) (MROC9)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumMobile plant for land spreading (land treatment resulting in benefit) (OCS20)SR2010No4LSNHWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Sludge and Land Spreading (601/8526/0)

Optional Unit OCS20 - Non-Hazardous Waste: MROC10a

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ415)
MediumMobile plant for land spreading of sewage sludge (land treatment resulting in benefit) (OCS60)SR2010No6LSNHWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Sludge and Land Spreading (601/8526/0)

Optional Unit OCS60 - Biological Waste: MROC10b

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ415)
MediumNon-hazardous sludge – biological, chemical and physical treatment (OCS60)SR2008No19TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Sludge and Land Spreading (601/8526/0)

Optional Unit OCS60 - Biological Waste: MROC10b

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ407)
MediumDeposit in lagoons of non-hazardous dredging from waterwaysTMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Dredgings Management (601/8521/1) (MROC11)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumStorage and treatment of dredging for recovery SR2010No18TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Dredgings Management (601/8521/1) (MROC11)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/23581/6) (VRQ410)
MediumNon-hazardous transfer without treatmentSR2008No1, SR2008No2, SR2015No4, SR2015No5TSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Waste Transfer (601/8527/2) (MROC12)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumContaminated land remediation SR2008No27CLRCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Contaminated Land Remediation (601/08518/1) (MROC13)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (6013/3581/6) (VRQ409)
MediumCivic amenity (CA) sites / Household waste recycling centres (HWRC)SR2008No12, SR2008No13, SR2015No19, SR2015No20TMNH, TSNH, TMH, TSHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Household Waste Recycling Centres (601/8522/3)

Optional Unit OCS40 - Hazardous Waste: MROC14a

Optional Unit OCS41 - Non-Hazardous Waste: MROC14b

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)
MediumNon-hazardous clinical waste treatmentHWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Clinical Waste Treatment (601/8525/9) (MROC15)
MediumNon-hazardous clinical waste transferHWCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Clinical Waste Transfer (601/8524/7) (MROC16)
MediumStorage of electrical insulating oil / Storage of catalytic convertersSR2012No15TSHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Storage and Transfer of Hazardous Waste (601/8538/7) (MROC17)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ414)
MediumMechanical biological treatment (MBT)SR2008No18, SR2015No12TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Mechanical Biological Treatment (601/8523/5) (MROC18)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ411)
LowWaste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) storageWEEECIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste transfer and storage (601/08514/4) (LROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ416)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowMetal recovery site (MRS) dry scrap (including separately collected batteries – no free flowing liquid)MRSCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste transfer and storage (601/08514/4) (LROC1)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ413)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowIn-house  storage of non-hazardous wasteTSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-hazardous waste transfer and storage (601/08514/4) (LROC1)

WAMITAB Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowMobile plant for treatment of waste to produce soil, soil substitutes and aggregate SR2010No11TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Treatment to Produce Soil (601/8513/2) (LROC2)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowTreatment of waste to produce soil, soil substitutes and aggregate SR2010No12TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Treatment to Produce Soil (601/8513/2) (LROC2)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowInert transferSR2008No10, SR2009No5      TSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Inert Storage and Transfer (601/8510/7) (LROC3)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowIn-house storage of inert wasteTSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Inert Storage and Transfer (601/8510/7) (LROC3)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowInert physical treatmentSR2008No11, SR2009No6 TMNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Inert Physical Treatment (601/8508/9) (LROC4)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management (603/3581/6) (VRQ406)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)
LowUse of waste in constructionSR2010No7, SR2010No8TSNHCIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Construction Waste (601/8507/7) (LROC5)

Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC)

Northern Ireland

The following table is taken directly from the Amendment of the Waste Management Licensing Regulation (Northern Ireland) 2003 which came into force on 17 August 2015 and outlines the qualifications and unit clusters applicable to different site activities in Northern Ireland. Due to the recent revision to the CIWM (WAMITAB) Operator Competence Scheme, an additional column has been added to the table showing the new qualification codes.

Please note: If a learner chooses a 12 unit qualification to gain a CoTC, they will need to register to complete the 6 or 4 unit qualification applicable to their activity and then register for the additional units. For example, a learner that wants to complete 12 units for Open Windrow Composting (previously known as 4MBTNHO) would do MROC3 plus OCS06, OCS07, OCS08, OCS09, OCS10 and OCS65 (this will be charged as RQF Level 4 + COTC on the fees list).

Type of ActivityMinimum Relevant Operator Competence CertificateNew Operator Competence Scheme Qualification Codes (1 April 2016)Continuing Competence
Managing a landfill site for hazardous waste4MLHHROC1aLH
Managing a landfill site for hazardous waste – single waste stream4MLHSHROC1bLH
Managing a landfill site for non-hazardous waste4MLNHHROC2aLNH
Managing a landfill site for non-hazardous waste – single waste stream4MLNHSHROC2bLNH
Managing a landfill site for inert waste with a total capacity of greater than 50,000 cubic metres4MLI or
4MLIO6 or
Managing a landfill site for inert waste with a total capacity of greater than 50,000 cubic metres – single waste stream4MLIS or
4MLISO6 or
Managing a closed landfill site for hazardous waste4MCLHROC3LC
Managing a closed landfill site for hazardous waste – single waste stream4MCLHROC3LC
Managing a closed landfill site for non-hazardous waste4MCLHROC3LC
Managing a closed landfill site for non-hazardous waste – single waste stream4MCLHROC3LC
Managing a closed landfill site for inert waste with a total capacity of greater than 50,000 cubic metres4MLIC6MROC9LC
Managing a closed landfill site for inert waste with a total capacity of greater than 50,000 cubic metres – single waste stream4MLIC6 or
Managing a treatment plant where hazardous waste is subjected to a chemical or physical process4MPTHHROC6TMH
Managing a facility for recovery of oil/organic solvents4MPTH or
Managing a treatment plant where hazardous clinical waste is subjected to a chemical or physical process4MTTHCHROC5bHW
Managing a treatment plant where hazardous waste is subjected to a chemical or physical process for the remediation of contaminated land4MPTHR or 4MTNHR6 or
Managing a treatment plant where non-hazardous waste is subjected to a chemical or physical process4MPTNH or 4MPTNH6 or
Managing a treatment plant where non-hazardous waste is subjected to a composting process4MBTNHO or 4MBTNHI or 4MBTOW6 or 4MBTIV6 or
Managing a treatment plant where non-hazardous waste is subjected to a chemical or physical process for the remediation of contaminated land4MPTNHR or 4MTNHR6 or
Managing a treatment plant where non-hazardous clinical waste is subjected to a chemical or physical process4MTTNHC or 4MTTNHC6MROC15HW
Managing a treatment plant where inert waste is subjected to a chemical or physical process4MTMI or
4MTMI4 or
Managing a transfer station for hazardous waste where the capacity of the facility is greater than 5 cubic metres4MTSHHROC4aTSH
Managing a transfer station for hazardous clinical waste where the capacity of the facility is greater than 5 cubic metres4MTSHCHROC4bHW
Managing a transfer station for non-hazardous waste where the capacity of the facility is greater than 5 cubic metres4MTSNH or 4MTSNH6 or
LROC1L or MROC12 or VRQ406
Managing a transfer station for inert waste where the capacity is greater than 50 cubic metres4MTSI or
4MTSI4 or
Managing a civic amenity site where the amount of waste accepted is 5,000 tonnes per annum or lessEither:
4MCAS or 4MCANH6 or 4MCAH6 or 4WRMa (Depending on waste received)
MROC14a or VRQ406 (Depending on waste received)Depending on site activities TMNH or TSH
Managing a civic amenity site where the amount of waste accepted is greater than 5,000 tonnes per annum4MTSH or 4MTSNH or 4MTSNH6 or 4WRMaHROC4a or LROC1 or MROC12 or VRQ406Depending on site activities TMNH or TSH
Managing a site where waste is burned in an incinerator designed to incinerate waste at a rate of more than 50 kilograms per hour but less than I tonne per hour4MTTHHROC5aTMH
Managing a treatment plant where non-hazardous waste is subjected to biological treatment: storage of digestate from anaerobic digestion plants4MBTNHA or 4MBTSAD6 or 4MBTFAD6 or 4MBTAD6 or 4WRMbMROC6 or MROC5 or VRQ407AD
Managing a treatment plant where non-hazardous waste is subjected to biological treatment: anaerobic digestion facility including use of resultant biogas4MBTNHA or 4MBTAD6 or
MROC6 or MROC5 or VRQ407AD
Managing a treatment plant where non-hazardous waste is subjected to biological treatment: on-farm anaerobic digestion facility including use of resultant biogas4MBTNHA or 4MBTFAD6 or 4WRMbMROC6 or MROC5 or VRQ407AD
Managing a treatment plant where non-hazardous waste is subjected to thermal treatment process4MTTNHAOC01a, AOC01b, AOC01c, AOC01dTMNH
Managing a treatment plant where hazardous waste is subjected to thermal treatment process4MTTHHROC5aTMH
Managing a treatment plant where hazardous waste is subjected to thermal treatment process: autoclaving4MTTHAAOC01bTMH
Treatment of land for reclamation, restoration or improvement of land4MTRR6MROC1TMNH
Mobile plant for treatment of land for land reclamation, restoration or improvement4MTMPRR6MROC1Not Applicable
Mobile plant for the treatment of asphalt waste containing coal tar4MTMPA6MROC2TMH
Deposit in lagoons of non-hazardous dredgings from waterways4MLNHLD6 or 4WRMeMROC11 or VRQ410TMNH
Storage and treatment of dredgings for recovery4MLNHLD6 or 4WRMeMROC11 or VRQ410TMNH
Use of waste to manufacture timber or construction products4MTMTC6MROC1TMNH
Treatment of waste wood for recovery4MTMTR6 or
Managing a civic amenity site non-hazardous4MCANH6 or
MROC14b or VRQ406Non-hazardous only:

*depending on site activities
Managing a civic amenity site hazardous4MCAH6 or
MROC14a or VRQ406Hazardous and Non-hazardous:

*depending on site activities
Managing a Material Recovery Facility4MTMRF6MROC1TMNH
End of Life Vehicle facilities (vehicle storage, depollution and dismantling)4MTELV6MROC2ELV
Managing a Metal Recovery Site (MRS) (wet scrap e.g. oily metal swarf – free flowing liquid)4MTMRS6MROC1MRS
Composting in Open Windrows4MBTOW6 or 4WRMbMROC3 or VRQ407AC
Composting in closed vessels4MBTIV6 or
Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT)4MTMBT6 or
Managing a WEEE ATF – physical treatment4MTHWE6MROC2WEEE
Mobile plant for land spreading (land treatment resulting in benefit)4MTMPL6MROC10aNot Applicable
Mobile plant for land spreading of sewage sludge (land treatment resulting in benefit)4MTMPLS6MROC10bNot Applicable
Non-hazardous sludge biological, chemical & physical treatment4MTMNHS6 or 4WRMbMROC10b or VRQ407TMNH
Managing other mobile treatment facilities (non-hazardous)4MTMPO6MROC1TMNH
Use of waste in construction4MTSCO4LROC5TSNH
Mobile plant for treatment of waste to produce soil, soil substitutes and aggregate4MTMPS4 or
Treatment of waste to produce soil, soil substitutes and aggregate4MTMS4 or
In-house storage of non-hazardous waste4MTSIHS4 or
Metal Recovery Site dry scrap (including separately collected batteries) no free flowing liquid4MTMRS4LROC1MRS
WEEE (storage only)4MTSWE4LROC1WEEE
Managing thermal treatment – hazardous waste: pyrolysis and gasification4MTTHPGAOC01aTMH
Managing thermal treatment – non-hazardous waste: pyrolysis and gasification4MTTNHPGAOC01cTMNH
Managing thermal treatment – non-hazardous waste: autoclaving4MTTNHAAOC01dTMNH
Storage of electrical insulating oil4MTSEIO6MROC17TSH


The current waste management arrangements in Scotland do not incorporate a risk tier table, please refer to SEPA for detailed guidance on waste management licensing regulations.

Deemed Competence (FAQs)

Section 1: Permitting Regulations as they apply to technical competence

The new regulations on Technical Competence are only effective in England and Wales. If you already hold a CoTC or are classed as Deemed Competent you will need to demonstrate Continuing Competence every two years. If you are working towards a CoTC check with the Environment Agency (EA) whether your site falls in a High, Medium or Low Risk tier. You may be able to reduce the amount of units you need to achieve to demonstrate competence for your site.

The regulatory changes are only effective in England and Wales. Operators should be aware of the different regulatory requirements across UK borders and that the CoTC is still required in Scotland and Northern Ireland until further notice.
From 1 March 2009, there will be a requirement to comply with Continuing Competence every two years for those persons meeting the Technical Competent Persons requirements for the EPR 2007 Regulations. This includes those individuals, who were Agency assessed*. EA assessed individuals fall into two categories: (i) Individuals who passed an EA assessment for a non-CoTC activity prior to 1st March 2009 will be expected to complete a continuing competence assessment between the period 1 March 2009 and 1 March 2011; (ii) Individuals who passed an EA assessment to benefit from a 2-year grace period and who obtain their competence qualification after 1st March 2009 will be expected to complete a continuing competence assessment during the 2-year period starting on 1 March 2011 and finishing 28 February 2013 i.e. they will skip the first cycle of continuing competence.
‘Deemed Competent’ managers will be required to demonstrate Continuing Competence every two years commencing 1 March 2009, in accordance with the EPR 2007 Regulations. You will need to register your existing Deemed Competence with the Environment Agency during the summer of 2008 (as time progresses beyond this period check with the EA).
You will need to take a Continuing Competence Test every two years in accordance with the EPR 2007 Regulations. The first test must be passed within the 2 year period commencing 1 March 2009.
Check with the EA to determine which risk tier your facility falls within. Most previously ‘exempt’ facilities are likely to fall within the Medium Risk or Low Risk tiers. Once the risk tier is determined then contact a WAMITAB approved Centre as necessary to register for the appropriate award path and achieve that award.
Contact the EA as necessary to confirm the applicability of the transitional period; they will guide you regarding the Risk Tier that your facility falls within. You will be required to achieve at least one technically competent person within 4 weeks of permitted activities commencing. This could be via an Environmental Permit Operator Certificate, EPOC, or a VRQ (either of these if the site is not currently operational) or a 4 Unit award for an operational site. If your site falls to ‘Low Risk’ then either the EPOC, or the 4 Unit award, will be the only award you will need. If your facility falls to Medium or High Risk you will then be required to achieve the higher qualification as necessary, following achievement of the EPOC, or 4 Unit awards, within 12 months of permitted activities commencing. Note: Landfill operator competence requirements do not benefit from an exemption period and competence must be demonstrated prior to or at the time the Permit is issued. In all instances Continuing Competence needs to be maintained as appropriate every two years.
Landfill operator competence requirements do not benefit from any exemption period and competence must be demonstrated prior to or at the time the Permit is issued. Check with the EA as to the Risk Tier your facility falls within – please note that Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Landfill sites (open and closed) fall within the ‘High Risk’ tier, while Inert Landfills (open and closed) appear in the ‘Medium Risk’ tier.
No. The attendance requirements for ‘Technically Competent Persons’ remain as current and are determined within the Environment Agency document ‘Technical Competence for Operators of Authorised Waste Facilities, July 2004′. How much time does a TCP need to spend on site, can they cover more than one site? Please note that section 3.2 of the EA document ‘Technical Competence for Operators of Authorised Waste Facilities, July 2004′, specifies the attendance times for the Technically Competent Person.
No, 100% attendance was not adopted for the Technically Competent Person within the EPR 07 Regulations. The attendance requirements for ‘Technically Competent Persons’ remain as current and are determined within the EA document ‘Technical Competence for Operators of Authorised Waste Facilities July 2004′.
The operator will determine the requirement for the Technically Competent Person(s) based on EA guidance, site operational hours and percentage attendance requirements. Further guidance can be found within the EA document ‘Technical Competence for Operators of Authorised Waste Facilities July 2004′

Existing CoTC Holders (FAQs)

Section 2: Certificate of Technical Competence (CoTC)

Yes, the CoTC (and the NVQ that underpins the CoTC) will remain valid as appropriate qualifications to meet the necessary Technical Competence requirements specified within the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2007 in England and Wales (providing it still meets the competence requirements for the risk tier associated with your facility). What will change is the need to demonstrate Continuing Competence every two years from 1 March 2009. Note that the ‘WAMITAB CoTC scheme’ is still valid in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

No. So long as your CoTC (or the NVQ that underpins the CoTC) are appropriate for your facility then all you will need to do is meet the Continuing Competence requirements from 1 March 2009.
Generally all you will have to do is to take the Continuing Competence assessment every two years from 1 March 2009. It is intended that you will only have to sit one assessment even though you hold more than one CoTC. The assessment that you take will include questions relating to the appropriate CoTC’s that you hold.
No. The COTC’s (and the NVQs that underpin them) remain appropriate qualifications to meet the Technically Competent Requirements as specified within the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2007, effective from 6 April 2008. All you will have to do from 1 March 2009 is to ensure that the Continuing Competence requirements are met every two years.
What you get to demonstrate competence will depend on the risk tier for your facility. High risk: The CoTC will still be available for those persons who achieve a 12 Unit NVQ within the ‘High Risk’ tier but this will be optional to the candidate after 22 December 2008. Those candidates who registered for a CoTC before 6 April 2008 will be issued with their CoTC as usual following that date; Medium risk: A new 6-unit award will be available and WAMITAB will issue a Certificate entitled ‘Operator Competence Certificate’. Alternatively a Vocationally Related Qualification is available from WAMITAB; Low risk: A new 4-unit award will be available and WAMITAB will issue a Certificate entitled ‘Operator Competence Certificate’. If you are required to achieve an EPOC then CIWM will issue an ‘Environmental Permit Operators Certificate’. What is happening to the CoTC in the future? In England and Wales the CoTC will become an optional certificate for candidates that achieve the appropriate 12 Unit NVQ for high risk activities. The CoTC will continue to be available from WAMITAB for issue to candidates if they choose and pay the relevant fee (currently £120.00) to show the competence achieved when EPR07 came in force on 6 April 2008. The CoTC scheme in Scotland and Northern Ireland is not changing.
Make yourself aware of the Technically Competence Person requirements as specified within the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2007 that came into force on 6 April 2008 and discuss the situation with the EA. You may find that depending on your particular facility type, that there is no change to the competence requirements you need to demonstrate. However in some instances, and depending on the Risk Tier your facility falls within, candidates may find that they do not need to achieve the full 12 units of the NVQ and that only 6 or 4 units need to be gained.
No. WAMITAB has a responsibility to deliver and maintain the CoTC Scheme in England and Wales until the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2007 came into force on 6 April 2008. Thereafter WAMITAB’s responsibilities for the CoTC scheme will remain in Scotland and Northern Ireland.